Tokyo Family 2013
Plot Synopsis
An old married couple Shukichi Hirayama (Isao Hashizume) and Tomiko (Kazuko Yoshiyuki) live on a small island in Hiroshima. They go to Tokyo to meet their three children. The eldest son Koichi (Masahiko Nishimura) runs a hospital. The first daughter Shigeko (Tomoko Nakajima) runs a beauty salon. The second son Shuji (Satoshi Tsumabuki) works in stage art. The children want their parents to have a good time in Tokyo, but at the same time the children are busy doing their own business, leaving the old parents to feel uncomfortable with their stay in the city. One day, Tomiko visits Shuji's apartment. There, Tomiko is happily surprised to be introduced to Shuji's fiance Noriko. However, the family is shocked when Tomiko collapse at Koichi's house soon after...
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Movie Reviews
/ 10